Om/Aum is considered to be the symbol of Divinity.
It's a sacred syllable/mantra, and is to be repeatedly chanted/recited constantly.

In pranayama, chanting the mantra OM is called Udgeet or Pranav pranayama.
Aum is called Pranava, which stands for praise of the Divine and the fulfillment of Divinity.
As some of you know that all the scriptures are written in Sanskrat language & whenever Yogis use to chant any Shloka/mantra, they always start with the word Om 🕉.
In the beginning of any Shloka, Om is used for the sense of Holiness/Sacredness/Divine.
This is a tradition whenever we start something new, we always take first step by remembering the Divinity/God/Goddess... because Om is considered very auspicious/holy word by almost all the different scriptures.
Significance of the OM in different scriptures
In Bhagavad Geeta, Lord Krishna repeatedly explains the importance of the Om in the chapter 7th, 9th & 10th.
Shloka 7/8:

I am the taste of water, the light of the sun & the moon, I am the syllable "Om" 🕉 in all the Vedas, I am the "sound" in Ether & ability in the man/woman.
Shloka 9/17:

I am the father of this Universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the sacred syllable Om 🕉, and also the Rik-, the Sama-, and the Yajur-Vedas.
In chapter 10th one more Krishna repeate the significance of the Om. Shloka 10/25:

And Among the great sages I am Bhrigu, among the words I am mono syllable (Om 🕉), among the sacrifices I am the sacrifice of silence repetition (Ajapa japa) of the holi name/word and among the immovable things I am the Himalaya.
Here Lord Krishna is emphasizing to reciting the holi words/mantras rather than chanting.
Sage Patañjali ji is talking about who is Ishvarah (God) in the shloka 1/24 and then, he is replying about how we can refer to God.
His answer is this shloka 1/27: Tasya vachakah Pranavah.
God can be referred with the word Pranava (means Aum 🕉).
It can be represented by the sacred syllable Aum 🕉, called Pranava. (BKS Iyengar ji)
He is identified by the sacred syllable Aum 🕉. He is represented in Aum.
Aum is the bow and the Self is arrow. With the deep concentration, the aspirant has to hit the target, Brahman, so that the individual self & the Universal soul become one. (Bks Iyengar ji)
In short Pranava (🕉) is the word/mantra by which God is effectively praised.
According to Maitri Upanishad: "There are two ways of contemplation on Brahman: in sound & in silence. By the sound we go in silence. The sound of Brahman is Aum/Om."
After reading & understanding above the Shlokas of different texts, I can say that reciting/chanting/contemplating the mantra Aum/Om is the most simplest & effective method for overcoming the distracted conditions of the mind and also to cultivate the single pointedness for the higher goals.
How should the Aum/Om be practiced/chanted/recited/meditated ?
According to Patanjali Yogasutra- 1/28:

The word must be repeated while meditating upon its meaning.
The mantra Aum is to be repeated constantly with feeling, realizing it's full significance.
Many people are telling that you should chant this way or that way... That's their levels of understanding/experience.
I humbly respect all but after understanding this shloka, it is clear that your feelings/devotion is most important while chanting rather than other technical things.
Here technical things means which letter should emphasize more A or U or O or M.
Actually, after understanding the shlokas of Bhagavad Gita, Aum/Om is mono syllable.
Many of the modern wise Yogis use to tell, 🕉 have three syllable A,U & M.
We know that every syllable have different sound, different vibration.
Different sound/vibration have different effects on different parts of the body.
For example, if we chant only the syllable "Aaaa..." then the resonation (sensations/vibrations) will be experienced effectively on the lower chakras (somewhere below the navel).
And if you chant only the syllable "Mmmm..." then, the effect will be experienced more on the upper chakras (above the throat) through the sensations/vibrations.
We have three syllables, so generally we should give equal time while chanting it.
According to Sanskrit grammar A+U (Gud sandhi it's grammar rule) becomes O.
So, the 🕉 will have only two syllables O+M. Then, you should give the equal time while chanting it.
As previously said, the sound of different syllables resonate in different parts/chakras of the body. So, it can be chanted/recited according to the need.
For example: chanting the syllable M resonates the whole head region as a result of it, practitioner feels relaxed/lightness/tranquilized... any one can feel this just by chanting it for 5-7 minutes.
You should ask to your teacher/Guru, which way of chanting is the most effective individually for you.
Some common benefits of it
It helps to relax you. (Physically, mentally, emotionally)
Helps to rejuvenate & refresh your brain, brain cells.
Helps to minimize the traffic of thoughts.
Helps in cleansing the mind.
Improves the concentration & memory.
Improves the mental strength, endurance.
It helps to relax the brain/mind that will help you to take right decisions.
Improves the quality of the sleep.
It helps to make you introvert as a result of it you will more calm, satisfaction, peace & tranquility.
It helps to control the high blood pressure.
It helps to minimize & heal the mental problems like over thinking, stress, anxiety, headache, migraine...
Should practice & experience by your own practice...
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Hari 🕉!!!
I feel totally connected with the sound of the Universe when I say or think the Om