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Our 3-day juice fast, just after Christmas

Namaste everyone, hope you all are enjoying the festivities wherever you are :)

This article will be little bit different from what you are used to find here, this time Lili is the author! ☺️

As we are getting a lot of questions about our 3 day juice fast right after Christmas, we have decided to share with you about the process, our feeling, experience, etc… through this article.

We hope you like it, and maybe you will get motivated!

Why this period of the year to fast?

Actually, during Navratri (9-night Indian holi festival during which fasting is common) we have started fasting. But, as we are living in Europe, it was not possible to do it 100% (due to work or other obligations).

To do it right, the ideal is to stay at home (or close to home) during the entire period of the fast.

So, we decided to get serious right after Christmas, the perfect time for a cleanse/detox from everything we are supposed to eat during this period (excess food, fats, sweets). This year we stayed in our house in Spain, so it was very easy for us to avoid distractions for at least 3 days.

Why "only" 3 days?

3 days is not too short and not too long either. In just 3 days of juice fasting, we can experience all the healing effects and other benefits on our body and mind.

What is exactly a juice fast? A juice fast is basically a "solid food vacation". For 3 days, we don't consume any solid food. Only fresh juices.

What kind of device do you use te prepare it?

We have a cold press juicer, we love it! You can find it here.

Why are we doing it? You may have heard Mahendra ji telling in classes that "Fasting is the most supreme Medicine". Actually, when we are eating, we are consuming a lot of energy in our digestion (up to 80%!) that's why after eating, we feel tired, and need a nap to rest.

During a fast, this "solid food vacation", the body no longer needs to digest. All the energy is saved and used for purification/detoxification and healing.

What are the benefits of it?

Once we detoxify our body, it becomes lighter, also more flexible. The mind becomes more positive, clearer and more creative.

It is also said to increase intuition and a deep spiritual awareness can be experienced. So here some notable benefits of this:

  • Deep detox of the whole body

  • Removes excessive weight

  • Glowest skin

  • More energy

  • Abundant mental clarity

  • Peace of mind

  • Positive mind

  • Greater spiritual advancement

What is the process? And how we feel?

First of all, we want to emphasize the way of drinking the juices. It may sound strange, but it is important to drink correctly, that is to "eat" the juice. Eating the juice means taking a small amount in the mouth and leaving it in for a few moments before drinking.

Really, enjoying the juice and each flavor makes a big difference in the process.

So, here we are sharing with total transparence exactly what we did, our feelings etc... ☺️


Juices: (Consider this mesurement for 1 person)

  1. 10am: 1 coconut water

  2. 12.30pm: ABC juice (1/2 apple, 1 beetroot, 4 carrots, little fresh ginger)

  3. 3pm: Green juice (2 cucumbers, 1 handfull spinach, 1/2 apple, handful mint, little fresh ginger)

  4. 7pm: warm soup - because we are in winter season - (250g steamed pumpkin + 1,5 homemade coconut milk + salt)

During the day, apart from this, we took only warm water.

Mindset: feelings/moods:

  • Lili: very hungry, irritated, lacking in patience, very active and lazy at the same time.

  • Mahendra: lethargic (in the afternoon) but good feelings, light-hearted, more peaceful/calm physically and mentally. Mahendra also goes for a 30/45-minute run/exercices outdoors in the afternoon.

Weigh lost:

After this day, Lili has lost 2kg of weight and Mahendra 1kg.


Before starting the day, we both did enema (cleansing of the colon) + pranayama practice and sunbath.

Juices: (Consider this mesurement for 1 person)

  1. 10am: 1,5 long cucumber + little fresh ginger

  2. 12.30pm: 1,5 small apple, 1/2 beetroot, 1/4 pomegranade, 6 smalls carrots

  3. 3.30pm: 1,5 small cucumbers, 2 handfull spinach, little fresh ginger, some drops of lemon juice

  4. 7pm: warm soup (200g steamed pumpkin + 1,5 homemade coconut milk + salt)

Mindset: feelings/moods:

  • Lili: Mind more positive, happy, light, without special hunger. After the second juice, headache that increased, need to rest to heal it, and feeling cold also. Then at night almost impossible to sleep, too "awake".

  • Mahendra: better sensations, more energy in the morning, little lethargy in the afternoon but no need for a nap. At night, also difficulties sleeping. He also goes for a 30/45-minute run/exercices outdoors in the afternoon.

Weigh lost:

After this day, Lili has lost 0.5kg of weight and Mahendra 0.5kg.


Before starting the day, Mahendra did japa mala, Lili enema + pranayama practice and sunbath.

Juices: (Consider this mesurement for 1 person)

  1. 10.30am: 1 long cucumber + 1 small cucumber + little fresh ginger (Mahendra ji took 1 zucchini with fresh aloevera)

  2. 1pm: 2 small apples, 1/2 pomegranade, 6 smalls carrots

  3. 3.30pm: Green juice (3 small cucumbers, 1/4 pumpkin, 2 handfull spinach, 1/2 apple, handful mint, handful coriander, little fresh ginger)

  4. 7pm: warm soup (250g steamed pumpkin + 1,5 homemade coconut milk + salt)

During the day, apart from this, we took only warm water.

Mindset: feelings/moods:

  • Lili: normal mood, feeling good, with little hunger but easily manageable. Less sleepy at night, woke up at 4:30am, I had a hard time going back to sleep. More active.

  • Mahendra: feeling good, little tiredness in the afternoon, feeling so light. Mahendra also goes for a 30/45-minute run/exercices outdoors in the afternoon.

Weigh lost:

After this day, Lili has lost 0.3kg of weight and Mahendra 1kg of weight.

Our feelings the morning after these 3 days: we are more active, joyful and we are thinking that this is definitely a very good healing process.

We would love to fast more often, perhaps on ekadashi days? 😉


We prepared a simple ayurvedic kitchari, and enjoyed it a lot! 😋

  • The time (clock) to start your first juice depends on your morning routine/activities and the time you wake up. You can start juicing at 8am, 9am, 10am, it's up to you.

  • All what is above written is about our experience, it can be different for you and also you can take more juices and modify your recipes.

  • All the juices should be taken fresh, that means maximum 15 minutes after making them.

Take care yourself, with Love.

Hari om!!! 🙏


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Hari 🕉!!!


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