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Kaki Pranayama or crow’s beak breath

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Kaki is a tranquilizing technique.

Kaki is so called because during inhalation the pursed lips form the shape of a crow’s beak. Those practitioners who are unable to practise sheetali or sheetkari, they will find it easy. Kaki is really a mudra but is included here as a pranayama practice because of its close similarity to sheetali and sheetkari.


  • It makes one as healthy as a crow, which never falls ill.

  • The benefits of Kaki pranayama are similar to Sheetali and Sheetkari but in low intensity.

  • It helps in all Pitta disorders like acidity, ulcers, excessive sweat, hunger, thirst, burning sensations (on the skin, eyes, chest,…).

  • Very good practice for those who are facing high blood pressure.

  • Cools down the body temperature.

  • It relax the body.

  • Helps to fight with fatigue.


  • People suffering from Kapha disorders, low blood pressure, depression, chronic constipation or feeling low energy should avoid this practice.


  1. Sit in any comfortable meditative asana.

  2. Close the eyes and relax the whole body.

  3. Purse the lips, (or like a crow beak) as in whistling, leaving a hollow space in the middle.

  4. Open the eyes and focus them at the tip of the nose in nasagra drishti.

  5. Inhale slowly and deeply, drawing the air in through the lips (like drinking the air through the lips).

  6. At the end of inhalation close the lips swallow the saliva (if you have) and exhale slowly through the nostrils.

  7. Keep the eyes focused on the tip of the nose.

  8. If the eyes become tired, close them during exhalation.

  9. Practice for 3-5 minutes.


  • Practise with the guidance of the teacher.


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Hari 🕉!!!

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