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Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Chidakasha, the infinite empty space.

Chidakasha Dharana is a meditation technique.

In Sanskrit the material universe around us is called Mahakasha. The word Maha means Great, and Akasha means Space or Ether element.

So, Mahakasha literally means “the great space” around us. It’s the exploration of external universe.

In Sanskrit, the inner cosmos is called the Chidakasha, the world Chit means Consciousness. Therefore, the literal translation of "Chidakasha" is “the space of consciousness”. In the mahakasha we see the material world and countless occurrences and forms of the universe. In the chidakasha same things: thoughts, memories, past experiences, imaginations…etc used to occur.

Watching these all on the screen of the mind, like a movie on the screen of television but without any reaction, attachment & condemnation is called chidakasha dharana.


  • Promotes intuition.

  • Allows psychic powers to manifest.

  • Deepens the awareness.

  • Relaxes and tranquilizes the mind.

  • Balances the emotions.

  • Creates equilibrium and harmony in the physical body and mind.

  • Helpful in some of the common problems like stress, anxietym insomnia, high blood pressure, heart diseases...


  • Depressed people should communicate to the teacher.


  1. Sit in Padmasana or in any meditative asana.

  2. Relax your whole body (shithalikarana, threw prayatna shaithilya) with 2 to 3 minutes belly breathings.

  3. Make your posture steady/stable like the statue of Lord Shiva or Lord Buddha.

  4. Observe your whole body from top of the head to the tip of the toes, from tip of the toes to the top of the head, for 3-4 minutes (called Kaya Avaloknam).

  5. Now, bring your awareness right between the eyebrows, the space in front of your closed eyes, chidakasha.

  6. Be relaxed, don’t strain.

  7. Merely watch.

  8. Be an observer whatever may appear, any vision, picture, memory, colors, dark, light, stars,… or whatever. Just observe without any judgment, attachment, condemnation, or reaction.

  9. Don’t expect anything… the less you expect, the more subtle things you will see.

  10. After few minutes of observation, you may see mind has become as a blank screen of the television, there is no vision, no thought, only the vast empty space, without any boundary, limitation.

  11. This state of emptiness, may come for few moments or, maybe for few seconds, or, may remain few minutes. This thoughtless state of the mind is actually the blessing moments for the practitioner.

  12. You will clearly see/experience the senses have withdrawn, the mind has tranquilized, traffic of the thoughts have minimized.

  13. You will clearly experience the feeling of inner peace, silence and satisfaction.

  14. After few minutes of practice, when you want to come, bring your awareness back to your breathing and body, then come out from the practice.


  • 7 to 10 minutes in the beginning. Later on, gradually increase the time.


  • Before chidakasha dharana, the practice of bhramari pranayama (around 9 to 11 times), or ujjai breath (2 to 5 minutes), or chanting the mantra OM (2 to 5 minutes) is very helpful to deepen your practice.

Enjoy the practice and be Happy!


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Hari 🕉!!!


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