Bhramari is a relaxing technique.
The word Bhramar means “bee” in Sanskrit. So, here the practitioner creates the same deep, low pitched humming sound as that of the black bee. It is used in nada yoga to awaken awareness of the inner psychic sounds.
In India, Bhramar (or Bhaunra) is considered that guy, who always wanders one place to another place without purpose, without appropriate direction. Because Bhramar (black bee) is also doing the same wandering one flower to another flower, one garden to another garden.
Sage Kabira is telling in one song;
"Jag re banjara, jag re banjara, jag re banjara re. O kis ki johe bat re badhi ka bhavara re."
Meaning: he is telling/calling to the people in the song: "Oh wanderer! Awake or wake up (from the sleep of ignorance), for whom are you waiting? Oh Bhanvara(black bee) of a badhi (small garden or small boundary)."
In short, the serious but constant practice of Bhramari will bring your awareness at one place (from all sides), and then, you would feel there is no distractions. There is only peace, silence and tranquility.
According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika (sutra 68), the definition of bhramari is:
"Inhale producing louder imitating the sound of a male wasp and exhale slowly producing sound of low tune of a female wasp. Practicing in this way a peculiar type of blissful experience is produced in the mind of best yogis."
Bhramari pranayama is differently described in Gheranda Samhita: there, this pranayama is meant for listening to the internal sound known as Anahat nada. And it has been also considered as a means for Samadhi.
Relieves stress, anger, anxiety and insomnia.
Creates a soothing effect on the mind and nervous system.
Very good technique to enhancing the memory and the concentration.
It induces a meditative state.
It makes the practitioner introvert.
People suffering from severe ear infections or severe ear pains should not practice this pranayama.
Depressed people should not practice too much because this technique makes the practitioner more introvert.
Sit in Padmasana or in any meditative asana.
Relax yourself with 5 to 7 belly breathing.
Raise the arms sideways and bend the elbows, place the index fingers on the forehead, cover your eyes by the rest of the three fingers.
Nicely close your ears by the thumbs.
Inhale deeply and exhale in a control manner by creating the humming sound like a bee.
Repeat the same thing again and again.
11 times or with the practice you can increase it up to 24 times.
Awareness should be on the third eye.
Tongue should be free inside the mouth and the teeth slightly separated.
Sound should be constant and melodious.
Practise with the guidance of a teacher.
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Hari 🕉!!!