All the meditative mudras, can be practiced 45 minutes to 1 hour or more than one hour. There is no contra-indication for more benefits, they should be practiced at least 30 minutes in one time, except few mudras.
Few mudras have some contra-indications (see below).

All these mudras are oftenly used during the pranayama classes.
Hakini Mudra:

Balances all the five elements
Improves and deepens the respiration
Builds up the energy in the lungs
Used to sharpen the brain
Refreshes and revitalizes the brain
Helps to improve concentration
Beneficial for children suffering from Autism
Better memory performance
Releases stress
Balances both right and left brain hemispheres
Vayu Mudra:

Vayu means Air
Controls the air element inside of the body
Helps to have a quick control of the mind
Helps in all the vata disorders like pains in knees, joints, shoulders, cervicals, chest...
Useful against paralysis
Reduces stomach disorders like gastrics, constipation
Increases immunity against cold and cough
Good for hyperactivity and overthinking
Very good for Parkinston
Varuna Mudra:

Varuna means water. Varuna is the Lord of rain, sky, and all water ressources in India mythology.
Balances the water content in the body
Brings a lustre and glow to the face
Can help in preventing appearance of pimples
Cures itching
Helps to overcome the dryness of the mouth, skin, intestines (constipation), cracked lips, dried eyes...
Very nice mudra for those who have Pitta personality
Helpful in dehydration
Good during urine desorders
Kapha personality, avoid it (ex: coughing, cold, running nose, pain on the throat, sinnus, asthma,...)
Low blood pressure
Any swelling in the body
If anyone is sensitive with the cold
Surya Mudra:

Surya means sun in sanskrit. Thus, this mudra increases the fire in the body and is helpful to lose the excessive fat.
Reduces the excessive fat in the body.
Increases digestion fire, very good for those who have lack of appetite.
Helps to reduce the bad cholesterol.
Increases the body temperature and will help for low blood pressure.
️Decreases severe headache and tension.
️Reduces the stress.
️Sharpens the center in thyroid glands.
Very good mudra those who are facing the problem of coughing, cold, sinus, runing noise, asthma,...
Pitta personality or with high blood pressure
Heart diseases
Violent persone should avoid it
Gyan Mudra:

Gyan or Jnana means knowledge/wisdom
Chin means consciousness
Increases memory power and sharpens the brain
Enhances concentration and the meditation
With regular practice, it will cure all psychological disorders like mental, hysteria, anger and depression
Increases the intellect
Helps for better sleep
Calms the mind
Creates a more receptivity
Adi Mudra:

Adi is the first one... This is the first Mudra that the babies do.
This mudra focuses on breathing patterns and the internal chest structure.
Increases the capacity of the lungs.
Brings the sense of stability.
Stimulates the oxygen flow.
Calms the nervous system, and reduces the anger.
Increases the mental activeness.
Good for constipation.
Strenghtens the bronchials tube.
Vishnu Mudra or Nasagra Mudra:

Helps to balance the air and space element.
Good for the circulation of the blood.
Used to control the flow of the breath in one nostrils or two nostrils, example: for the practice of Nadi Shodhanam...
Improves the concentration encouraging mental clarity and focus.
Stills the mind for meditation.
Calms the mind, reduces stress and anxiety.
Brings balance, strength and peace.
Prana Mudra or Pran Mudra:

Prana means life in Sanskrit
Stimulates the root chakra.
️Increases the vital strength.
️Enables awakening of prana Shakti lying dormant, the body becomes active, healthy and energetic.
️Cures eye problems and improves the eyesight.
️Enhances body's immunity free from diseases.
Removes the deficiency of vitamins.
️Rejuvenates the body.
Helps during the fasting to maintain the levels of energy.
During or after the diseases, this mudra is very helpful to regain the health.
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Hari 🕉!!!