According to yoga, 75% of diseases in the human body are caused by disorders in the digestive system.
This practice is most secret and is unknown even to the divine beings. By merely doing this practice, the body becomes healthy and beautiful.
“Retaining prana vayu, pull the navel against the spinal column one hundred times.”
Agni means fire and Sara means Tattwa or element.
Dhauti means to wash, which means this practice expels impurities from the body.
In this practice, expansion and contraction of the abdomen take place, massaging all the abdominal organs and enhancing their digestive capacity.
Agnisara kriya massages and tones all the gestive juices.
Allows optimum assimilation of nutrients.
Stomach worms can be destroyed.
Diseases of the abdomen are removed (constipation, indigestion, hyperactivity, hypoacidity, irritable bowel syndrome, pitta imbalance and flatulence).
Activates the digestive fire and increases the digestive power.
The body becomes healthy and beautiful.
This practice expels impurities from the body.
Ideal for people with mental disturbances.
Removes depressions for 3 or 4 hours.
Pranic benefits:
Awakens manipura chakra. Mooladhara and swadhisthana are the 2 chakras where kundalini Shakti can be awakened, but may fall asleep. Once kundalini Shakti reaches manipura, it never again becomes inactive. It is also said that the pranas are only awakened in the body after awakening manipura chakra.
With the practice, the nerves and glands of the navel region are stimulated. When this activation occurs in the solar plexus at manipura chakra, it directly affects the brain and pranic activity is experienced in the body.
Should not be performed by anyone suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer or abdominal ulcers, hernia, asthma or severe respiratory disease.
People with an overactive thyroid gland or chronic diarrhea should not do this practice.
During pregnancy it is contraindicated, but very useful after delivery.
Technique 1:

The classical practice is performed while practicing external kumbhaka and jalandhara bandha.
The diaphragm should be used to expel the air and thereafter the breath should be retained outside, and no more air taken in.
After exhaling, perform jalandhara bandha. While retaining the breath outside, the abdomen is rapidly expanded and contracted for as long as possible without strain.
At first, 3 rounds of 10 abdominal contractions and expansions is sufficient.
In swana pranayama, the preparatory practice, straighten the arms and lean forward slightly, keeping the head erect. Exhalation is through the mouth, not the nose. Exhale fully so that the lungs and abdomen feel completely empty. Open the mouth wide and extend the tongue outside.
Technique 2:

Stand with the feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward and place both palms on the knees. Look towards the abdomen. Open the mouth and extend the tongue. Then contract and expand the abdomen while breathing in and out.
Practice in the guidance of a teacher!
Hari om!!!